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Title Sort descending Author Last update
Make for yourselves friends of unrighteous mammon: the parable of the self-serving business manager Andrew Perriman
Making Jesus small again Andrew Perriman
Making space for God in post-Christian Europe Andrew Perriman
Man and woman as “one flesh”: are we just obsessed with sex? Andrew Perriman
Man-made life and the remaking of worlds Andrew Perriman
Mapping the hermeneutics of penal substitution: McGrath, Bird and me Andrew Perriman
Marcus Borg’s “historical-metaphorical” hermeneutic Andrew Perriman
Mark Andrew Perriman
Mark 1 Andrew Perriman
Mark 2 Andrew Perriman
Mark 3 Andrew Perriman
Mark 4 Andrew Perriman
Mark 5 Andrew Perriman
Mark 6 Andrew Perriman
Mark 7 Andrew Perriman
Mark 8 Andrew Perriman
Mark Driscoll and the marks of a "true church" Andrew Perriman
Mark Driscoll, the church and the supremacy of Christ Andrew Perriman
Mark Van Steenwyk and the inferiority of Christianity Andrew Perriman
Markan christology debate Andrew Perriman
Martin Robinson on shifts in the European church Andrew Perriman
Martyrdom and salvation Andrew Perriman
Matthew Andrew Perriman
Matthew 10 Andrew Perriman
Matthew Montonini's review of The Future of the People of God Andrew Perriman
Matthew Thiessen on the Jewish Paul: should we choose against readings that are harmful to others? Andrew Perriman
Melchizedek and the Son of God Andrew Perriman
Michael Bird notices that there are two competing gospel visions in evangelicalism Andrew Perriman
Michael Bird on the question of whether Jesus thought of himself as God Andrew Perriman
Millennium, A short history of the Andrew Perriman
Misinterpreting Jesus for the sake of the gospel: parables of a prodigal son Andrew Perriman
Misreading the parable of the minas from the post-Christendom margins Andrew Perriman
Mission - the narrative-historical board game Andrew Perriman
Mission after Christendom Andrew Perriman
Mission after Christendom: beyond the incarnational-missional paradigm Andrew Perriman
Mission and evangelism in the secular West Andrew Perriman