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Title Sort descending Author Last update
Katherine Shaner on the danger of singular saviours Andrew Perriman
Katongole: Communities of memory Andrew Perriman
Katongole: How postmodernism hurts Africa Andrew Perriman
Keep telling the story, despite God and despite ourselves Andrew Perriman
Kent L. Yinger: The New Perspective on Paul Andrew Perriman
Kenton Sparks: historical criticism and the virgin birth Andrew Perriman
Kester Brewin on the failed “mutiny” of the prodigal son Andrew Perriman
Kevin DeYoung, Rob Bell, and the argument about hell Andrew Perriman
Killed and thrown into Gehenna Andrew Perriman
Kindle edition of The Future of the People of God (invalidates Reformed reading of Romans) Andrew Perriman
Kingdom and mission. What’s changed since Schweitzer? Not much Andrew Perriman
Kingdom and mission: a pants classification Andrew Perriman
Kingdom come and gone: is Jesus all he’s cracked up to be? Andrew Perriman
Kingdom of God and missional church: not as difficult to define as you might think Andrew Perriman
Kingdom texts that don’t fit the paradigm? Andrew Perriman