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Title Sort descending Author Last update
J. Richard Middleton on salvation and the restoration of all things Andrew Perriman
James Brownson on “one flesh” and same-sex unions Andrew Perriman
James Tabor’s failed failed apocalypse of the New Testament argument Andrew Perriman
Jamie Davies on the apocalyptic Paul: from interpretation to theology Andrew Perriman
Jamie Davies on the apocalyptic Paul: from Weiss to Martyn Andrew Perriman
Jamie Davies on the apocalyptic Paul: the J. Louis Martyn school Andrew Perriman
Jesus and empire, state and church Andrew Perriman
Jesus and Israel: the meaning of messiahship Andrew Perriman
Jesus and Jonah at sea: what the disciples learned Andrew Perriman
Jesus and Paul, works and faith Andrew Perriman
Jesus and redemptive violence Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the authority to forgive sins Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the Capitol Hill mob Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the empire to come Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the Hell Houses Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the job of modern missionaries Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the judgment of the Watchers Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the kingdom of God Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the restoration of Israel according to Matthew Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the sea: arguments about divine identity Andrew Perriman
Jesus and the Victory of God Andrew Perriman
Jesus as Alpha and Omega, first and last, beginning and end Andrew Perriman
Jesus as judge of the living and the dead in the Apostolic Fathers Andrew Perriman
Jesus as Lord in Mark Andrew Perriman
Jesus Have I Loved, But Paul? Chapter 6: Women in the Story of God Andrew Perriman
Jesus is God or Jesus is Lord? Andrew Perriman
Jesus is Lord (still) Andrew Perriman
Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so? Andrew Perriman
Jesus past and present Andrew Perriman
Jesus the great high priest: no deep magic involved Andrew Perriman
Jesus, in a small closed box Andrew Perriman
Jesus, Paul, and emergents’ anxieties about the wrath of God Andrew Perriman
Jesus, the gods, and the philosophers Andrew Perriman
Jesus’ death as a propitiation for the sins of Israel Andrew Perriman
Jesus’ parable of the wicked tenants: an exercise in narrative-historical hermeneutics Andrew Perriman
Jesus’ protest in the temple Andrew Perriman