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Title Sort descending Author Last update
N.T. Wright and Paul’s eschatology (with coloured beads) Andrew Perriman
Narrative rules. But which one? Andrew Perriman
Narrative substitutionary atonement in Luke: Jesus and the sins of Barabbas Andrew Perriman
Narrative, a Jewish Jesus, and early high Christology Andrew Perriman
Narrative-realism, Preterism, and the relevance of scripture Andrew Perriman
Nearly 10 essential things to know about Paul’s letter to the Romans Andrew Perriman
Nein, das coronavirus ist nicht die Apokalypse; es könnte schlimmer als das werden Andrew Perriman
Neither the prince of Tyre nor the king of Babylon is Satan Andrew Perriman
New book coming soon: In the Form of a God: The Pre-existence of the Exalted Christ in Paul Andrew Perriman
New book out: End of Story? Same-Sex Relationships and the Narratives of Evangelical Mission Andrew Perriman
New CBQ article: the fullness of time and the present evil age Andrew Perriman
New creation and the kingdom of God Andrew Perriman
New creation, Spirit, blessing and kingdom: a clarification of terminology Andrew Perriman
New Perspective and Reformed theologies at a crossroads Andrew Perriman
New Testament eschatological texts categorised by horizon Andrew Perriman
New Testament translation Andrew Perriman
New year, new attempt to explain what this blog is all about Andrew Perriman
No one’s blaming Bathsheba Andrew Perriman
No other name by which we should be saved Andrew Perriman
No, coronavirus is not the apocalypse; it could be worse than that Andrew Perriman
No, it's not all about AD 70 Andrew Perriman
No, not that undomesticated Jesus, the other one Andrew Perriman
Noah—Der Typ, der die Menschheit durch die Erfindung des Weinanbaus rettete Andrew Perriman
Noah—the guy who saved humanity by making wine Andrew Perriman
None is righteous, no, not one? Not so! Andrew Perriman
Norway's day of fire and the challenge of Christian formation Andrew Perriman
Not all who say, “Lord, Lord”, know what they’re talking about Andrew Perriman
Not peace but a sword Andrew Perriman
Not sure about the charts: please explain… Andrew Perriman
Notes on J. Richard Middleton’s The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1 Andrew Perriman
Now available! Hell and Heaven in Narrative Perspective (second edition) Andrew Perriman
Now let’s go over this again: historical narratology and the horizons of the New Testament Andrew Perriman
NT Wright and the confusion of kingdom and new creation Andrew Perriman
Numbered with the transgressors Andrew Perriman