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Title Sort descending Author Last update
Talking Jesus: how does the Trinity fit in? Andrew Perriman
Talking Jesus: problems with the modern evangelistic paradigm Andrew Perriman
Talking with Sam Tideman about the “Is Jesus Yahweh?” debate between James White and Dale Tuggy Andrew Perriman
TallSkinnyKiwi review of The Future of the People of God Andrew Perriman
Telling our story (all of it) Andrew Perriman
Ten things the church can learn about missions from a narrative-historical perspective Andrew Perriman
Testing times: a narrative framework for the renewal of the Western church Andrew Perriman
That sinking faith feeling Andrew Perriman
The adoptionist parable of the slave in the vineyard in The Shepherd of Hermas Andrew Perriman
The advent of Vespasian and the good news of Jesus Christ Andrew Perriman
The ancient narrative in which we are surprised to find ourselves Andrew Perriman
The angels in Tartarus Andrew Perriman
The Anglican Church renounces renouncing the devil Andrew Perriman
The apocalyptic significance of Easter Week: Jesus and the temple Andrew Perriman
The apocalyptic significance of Easter Week: suffering and kingdom Andrew Perriman
The apocalyptic subversion of philosophical Trinitarianism Andrew Perriman
The Apocalyptic Symbolism of Mark 8:38 and (not) the Final Reign of God Andrew Perriman
The appointment of the Son of God Andrew Perriman
The argument against annihilationism Andrew Perriman
The argument of Galatians: justification by faith in a new future Andrew Perriman
The art of being church Andrew Perriman
The battle between theology and history for the soul of the church: 24 antitheses Andrew Perriman
The beatitudes Andrew Perriman
The beginning and the end of Trinitarianism: a response to Fred Sanders Andrew Perriman
The begotten Son and the subordinate woman Andrew Perriman
The Benedictus of Zechariah Andrew Perriman
The benefits of the consistent historical over the half-historical paradigm Andrew Perriman
The Bible for Normal People interview: Does the New Testament Predict the Future? Andrew Perriman
The Bible Project New Testament Overview: story and history Andrew Perriman
The biblical argument about salvation (my soteriology) Andrew Perriman
The biblical story of the kingdom of God: a thought for election day Andrew Perriman
The biblical story, part one Andrew Perriman
The biblical story, part three Andrew Perriman
The biblical story, part two Andrew Perriman
The Biologos statement of faith Andrew Perriman
The birth announcement Andrew Perriman