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The breasts of Jesus and some other suspect egalitarian arguments

Andrew → John Pradeep: Here you are, John.Testament…
John Pradeep → Andrew: Dear Sir, could you please…

Are the “gentiles” in Romans the lost tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel?

Andrew → Michael Beiras: That’s a very good question,…
Michael Beiras → Andrew: What did non-Israelite …

Samuel V. Adams and Paul’s “apocalypse of Jesus Christ”

Andrew → Sam Adams: You generated some very good…
Sam Adams → Andrew: Almost 10 years too late,…

Paul’s parable of the olive tree

Andrew → Jason Coates: That’s why I ignored it…
Jason Coates → rose white: Andrew, this last comment…

What is an “evangelical”?

Robert Fairbanks → Andrew: Hey friend! How are you?…

The kingdom of God is in the midst of you. Or is it?

hdshsd3443 → Paul Orbinson: The article in The…
hdshsd3443 → Paul Orbinson: The article from The…

Paul’s idea of God’s empire: the limited scope of his gospel

Andrew → Jason Coates: It’s all very serious! Saudi…
Jason Coates → Andrew: “Well, on the train from…

The downs and ups of Philippians 2:6-11

Andrew → jkghjkl68: This is a thoughtful and…
jkghjkl68 → Andrew: The interpretation provided…

In the form of a god: what does the lack of an article tell us?

Andrew → jkghjkl68: …Paul’s context in…
Andrew → jkghjkl68: The polemic against rulers…
Andrew → jkghjkl68: Paul’s hymn in Philippians 2…
Andrew → jkghjkl68: While morphē can refer to…
jkghjkl68 → Andrew: The absence of the definite…

Does Paul say that Jesus is God in Romans 9:5?

Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: One additional possible…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: Yes, but Moses was (a) god…
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: Hi Andrew,  You said: “It…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: The comma after “the one…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: I hadn’t come across this…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: It seems to me that the…
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: Have you read Ezra Abbot’s…
Sean Kasabuske → Sean Kasabuske: Or, to go with your…
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: Hi Andrew, I stumbled on…

Every knee shall bow: the question about Jesus and God

Andrew → fghjk5678: I doubt I will get round to…