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Page not found Andrew Perriman
Part I: Introduction Andrew Perriman
Part I: Introduction Andrew Perriman
Part I: Setting the scene Andrew Perriman
Part II: Profile of a prophet Andrew Perriman
Part II: Resurrection in Paul Andrew Perriman
Part II: Tools for the task Andrew Perriman
Part III: First century Judaism within the Greco-Roman world Andrew Perriman
Part III: Resurrection in early Christianity (apart from Paul) Andrew Perriman
Part III: The aims and beliefs of Jesus Andrew Perriman
Part IV: The first Christian century Andrew Perriman
Part IV: The story of Easter Andrew Perriman
Part V: Belief, event and meaning Andrew Perriman
Passover and atonement Andrew Perriman
Patriarchy and the (not) naming of the woman by Adam Andrew Perriman
Paul (and the righteousness of God) Andrew Perriman
Paul and 4QMMT: works, faith, and justification Andrew Perriman
Paul and Athens: the case against and for same-sex relationships Andrew Perriman
Paul and gender Andrew Perriman
Paul the maker of theatrical scenery? Andrew Perriman
Paul within Judaism and the challenge for the post-Christendom church Andrew Perriman
Paul's argument about election in Romans 9 Andrew Perriman
Paul’s apocalyptic gospel: vindication, non-universalism and imminence Andrew Perriman
Paul’s argument about the atonement of Israel in Romans 3-4 Andrew Perriman
Paul’s former life in “Judaism”—whatever that was Andrew Perriman
Paul’s idea of God’s empire: the limited scope of his gospel Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (12:1-13:14) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (14:1-15:7) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (15:8-16:27) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (1:1-18) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (1:19-2:29) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (3:1-4:25) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (5:1-6:23) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (7:1-8:39) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (9:1-11:36) Andrew Perriman
Paul’s letter to the Romans (Introduction) Andrew Perriman