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Title Sort descending Author Last update
Dale Allison on Jesus and the end of the world (or not) Andrew Perriman
Daniel Kirk on Mark 13 Andrew Perriman
Daniel Kirk on narrative theology Andrew Perriman
Daniel Kirk's Jesus Have I Loved, But Paul? Blog Tour Andrew Perriman
Daniel Meeter: Why Be A Christian (If No One Goes to Hell)? Andrew Perriman
Daniel, desolation, and the decreed destruction of the desolator Andrew Perriman
Daniel’s Son of Man is not the Messiah—he’s just a very naughty symbol* Andrew Perriman
Das neue Jerusalem als politische Mitte des neuen Imperiums — vor dem Ende der Zeit Andrew Perriman
David Bentley Hart on heaven and hell Andrew Perriman
David Bentley Hart on the age to come: when, where, and who would get in? Andrew Perriman
David Fitch, Hirsch and Frost, and the de-ecclesiologization of mission Andrew Perriman
De historische Horizonte und prophetische Sichtfelder Andrew Perriman
Death is swallowed up in victory. What? When? And has he misread the scriptures? Andrew Perriman
Deeper into the doctrine of the second coming of Jesus Andrew Perriman
Defending Constantine: the failure of imagination Andrew Perriman
Defending the narrative-historical definition of the kingdom of God Andrew Perriman
Defying history: the future of the church in a Third World Culture Andrew Perriman
Der rote Faden der Bibel - Teil 1 (Tora, Profeten und Schriften) Andrew Perriman
DeYoung and Gilbert on the mission of the church Andrew Perriman
Did David rape Bathsheba? Andrew Perriman
Did God die on the cross? Part 1 Andrew Perriman
Did God die on the cross? Part 2 Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus act as though he thought he were God? Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus avoid proclaiming a “day of vengeance” against Israel in the synagogue in Nazareth? Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus believe that Gentiles would be included in the renewed people of God? Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus claim to be God? Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus heal the centurion’s male sexual partner? Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus preach to the spirits in prison between his death and resurrection? Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus promise to return within the lifetime of his disciples? Andrew Perriman
Did Jesus say that he would return within the lifetime of his disciples? Andrew Perriman
Did John think that Isaiah saw the glory of the exalted Jesus in the temple? Andrew Perriman
Did Paul believe in an imminent parousia? Andrew Perriman
Did Paul know anything about “homosexuality”? Andrew Perriman
Did Paul proclaim an imminent “final cosmic judgment”? Andrew Perriman
Did Paul think that women are more gullible than men? Andrew Perriman
Did St. Paul Go to Heaven When He Died? Reconciling Bockmuehl and Wright... Andrew Perriman