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“Before Abraham was, I am”; and before John was the Apocalypse of Abraham

Rob Grayson → Andrew: Thank you for this…

Starting with Jesus?

Why does Jesus give the kingdom back in the end and become subject again to God?

John Johnson → Bob MacDonald: Hey Bob, listen! You are not…

Who came to seek and save the lost sheep of the house of Israel?

Andrew → John McAleer: John, I would hesitate to…
Josh jones → John McAleer: Dear John, Forgive me, as…
John McAleer → Andrew: Yeshua is not an agent of…

The battle between theology and history for the soul of the church: 24 antitheses

How a post-new-perspective, narrative-historical reading of Romans differs from a Reformed reading

Andrew → FLOYD: How? Explain how this…
Andrew → FLOYD: Thanks. Let me explain…

Either Paul got the timing wrong or we’ve got the end wrong

Paul → Doug Wilkinson: Agreed. I don’t think we…

The Gentiles are saved by the salvation of Israel

Andrew → David Venz: David, thanks for this. You…