Hermeneutics and narrative

Holes in the story: did the crowds turn against Jesus at the end?
How to tell the biblical story in a way that makes a difference: some lessons from Islamic educators
The “narrative-historical” method according to ChatGPT
Matthew Thiessen on the Jewish Paul: should we choose against readings that are harmful to others?
“The Babylonian captivity figured out our spiritual bondage under sin and Satan”
Now let’s go over this again: historical narratology and the horizons of the New Testament
Building and rebuilding the people of God: it’s child’s play
Starting with Jesus?
Why we need a sort of Pentecostal eschatology today
Why theology is of no use to us now
The New Historicism and the narrative-historical method
The inversion of the Easter week stories diagrammatised
The two meanings of Easter and what they tell us about the mission of the church today
New CBQ article: the fullness of time and the present evil age
Is John Walton right about the “codependent transactionalism” of the people who built the tower of Babel?
A trinitarian hermeneutic and how it breaks the New Testament narrative
Biblical hermeneutics and the destabilising of the world
Not sure about the charts: please explain…
Defying history: the future of the church in a Third World Culture
A narrative missiology and where it gets us