
Why does the holy city Jerusalem descend from heaven twice at the end of Revelation?
Apocalyptic thinking and the fate of the dead in the New Testament
The sinfulness and salvation of all Israel in Romans
What does the New Testament teach us about hope?
Is there only one way to heaven?
Now available! Hell and Heaven in Narrative Perspective (second edition)
What did Paul mean by the groaning of creation? Does the argument work today?
New Testament eschatological texts categorised by horizon
The narrative architecture of Jesus’ apocalyptic discourse in Mark 13
Do we have two “ends” in Jesus’ apocalyptic discourse in Mark?
How the context makes sense of the separation of the “sheep” and “goats” at the parousia
The ends of the ages: church in the Anthropocene
What happened to the promised land? It became the promised empire
Woke Church, heaven, and a slight problem with the great multi-ethnic multitude
How Paul can proclaim one Lord Jesus Christ and not compromise Jewish monotheism
Dissonance-reducing rationalisations of failed expectations in the early church. Or not
Getting the mission of the church “right”: the whole point of justification
Make for yourselves friends of unrighteous mammon: the parable of the self-serving business manager
So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you: the parable of the unforgiving slave
What will happen to the lost sheep who take offence at being found?