Here is a disappointing post to celebrate a disappointing Christmas—just a dreary list of previous Christmas posts. Something might pique your interest. I had neither the time nor the imagination to come up with a new piece. It’s even too cloudy and miserable here to get a sighting of the star of Bethlehem, which is a shame because it won’t happen again for 400 years. But it’s a good time to be writing a journal article on the relation between human sin and a creation subjected to one form of futility or another.
- Twelve important things to keep in mind about the Christmas stories
- What Christmas teaches us about the gospel
- Christmas according to St Paul
- Wishing you all a happy and revolutionary Christmas!
- Happy narrative-historical Christmas everybody!
- The conception of Jesus, Trinity, and the search for an appropriate metaphysics: it’s nearly Christmas, after all
- Christmas now and then
There are also six rather elderly posts on the true meaning of Luke’s Christmas: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6.
And here, finally, is why I think John’s statement about the Word becoming flesh should probably not be included in a list of Christmas posts:
A happy disappointing Christmas to you all!
Yes, happy disappointing,
but with the hope of the possibility of a Emmanuel-sign in our times.
My observation of the quick Rescue by the finding of a vaccine is a Emmanuel-signal in the midst of a disturbed world… that was the point in my sermon today in our congregation (live-Stream): https://youtu.be/hpH0uK2kX-o
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