
Why the gospel was not for the whole world
Paul’s idea of God’s empire: the limited scope of his gospel
Some comments on Christianity and politics
Where is God in the present crises facing the church and humanity? See my book…
The coming of the Son of Man, the ascension, and the mission to the nations
The connection between the coming of the Son of Man and the destruction of the temple
Tucker Ferda’s “process eschatology” and the coming of the Son of Man
The form of this order of things is passing away: who is wrong—Paul or Matthew Thiessen?
The politics of Jesus: why did he not condemn the imperial oppressor?
Matthew Thiessen on the Jewish Paul: should we choose against readings that are harmful to others?
Why do you ask me about the good?
Is this how Paul thought “all Israel” might be saved in practice?
A different sort of missional theology from Paul’s address to the “men of Athens” in Acts 17
Why is there no eschatological pilgrimage of the gentiles in Paul?
Call yourself a Jew?
Now let’s go over this again: historical narratology and the horizons of the New Testament
Did Paul proclaim an imminent “final cosmic judgment”?
Why we need a sort of Pentecostal eschatology today
Stone Chapel podcast with David Capes
Fishers of people, labourers for the harvest, and the mission of Jesus’ disciples