
Search for words, parts of words, and phrases in Phrases require quotation marks; e.g., "penal substitutionary atonement" or "narrative-historical method".

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… another attempt to clarify what I have been calling the narrative-historical method, though from my own peculiar, idiosyncratic, … ()
… be an interesting exercise to measure the output of the narrative-historical method , as I have implemented it, against Olson’s ten point … ()
… here is a list of seven rough and ready "rules" for doing a narrative-historical reading of the New Testament.  They loosely … or summarize what is to my mind a coherent and defensible methodology, but I have not offered here much by way of … ()
… want to address. It was sent to me by someone who gets the narrative-historical approach to reading the Bible and is wondering … half complicate things. So does the narrative-historical method help us to answer these questions, resolve the … ()
… often unintended alliances. I have argued for a consistent narrative-historical reading of scripture, for two reasons: because it … and to the right what I call the "narrative-historical method", for want of a more snappy term. Below the line, we … ()
… please help me understand the practical consequences of the narrative-historical approach?” The question was put to me by a … rigorous cosmic dualism. In contrast, narrative-historical methods maintain that the “theological” content of the Bible … ()
… operative in the church today, a theologically determined method and a historically determined method. The church tends to regard … Interpretation of Scripture or from Antioch to my narrative-historical method and other predominantly … ()
… a couple of fair and well articulated objections to the narrative-historical approach on Facebook. I was invited to respond. The basic complaint, I think, is that the method is reductionist, leaving the church with too little … ()
… to reflect, in a lazy Sunday morning fashion, on the narrative-historical method—what it is and why we need it. 1. History There is a … ()
… the part played by God in the prophetically interpreted narrative? Doesn’t this just play into the hands of the … or experimental shot at propounding a consistent narrative-historical hermeneutic. Tim says that he finds the … of the key questions for a consistent narrative-historical methodology is how do we tell this as one story —or first … ()