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… right but gets hell badly wrong to make it clear that my narrative-historical argument about "hell" has nothing to do with … to Theology , 31. For most people the narrative-historical method is quite the opposite to liberalism: it alienates … ()
… In a lengthy comment on my “ The narrative-historical method—an outline ” post Paul K. asks some thoughtful and … ()
… and history with my earlier attempt to show how the narrative-historical method goes back to the blessed Albert Schweitzer’s … ()
… a theological reading can drive a coach and horses through historical exegesis. At the heart of the “theological … in Jesus the Messiah”. Keeping in mind Wright’s historical method and critique, however, he insists that this is not an … people both to judge and to deliver (Is. 7:10-8:10). The narrative-historical assumption should be, when we turn to … ()
… wondered about the appeal—or not—of my quite rigorously historical method to Progressive types. I don’t know if there’s an … liberalism. The diagram makes the point that the narrative-historical hermeneutic has its origins in a … ()
… but there you are. The hermeneutic I work with is the narrative-historical one . It leads to a reading of the New Testament … later theological orthodoxy.[/pq] The narrative-historical method also foregrounds what I would argue is the dominant … ()
… the second with my nifty but perhaps vacuous metaphor of a narrative-historical hermeneutics cutting across the "dominant … be maintained between an appropriate historical-critical methodology and an authentically and potently evangelical … ()
… good conversations about the practical application of the narrative-historical method . He posted this bold, inspiring and beautifully … ()
… The narrative-historical method reduces the significance of Jesus, which creates an … is a later theological reading—or misreading—of the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke, and probably also of the … ()
… week I was in Billingham on Teesside where I gave a talk on narrative-historical theology to the super Galilee Network  and … church. My argument has been that if a narrative-historical method works for the New Testament, it may also help us to … ()