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Showing 31–40 of 51 post(s) found

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… things? First, we would read the New Testament as a narrative testimony to the historical experience and perspective of a messianic Jewish … grounds. Even if we grant the narrative-historical method priority, surely there is still a need to organise … ()
… response to Samuel V. Adams’ critique of N.T. Wright’s historical method. Evangelical theologies, whether Reformed or … The New Testament, however, gives us a historical narrative, according to which the cross stands between the … ()
… this from the giddy hermeneutical high ground of a rigorous narrative-historical method of interpretation . I think the approach has … ()
… One of the critical points at which a narrative-historical method and post-Christendom mission intersect, in my view, … ()
… What I rather grandly call the narrative-historical method works on the assumption that the Bible is essentially … ()
… comments made by Paul K. regarding my argument about the narrative-historical method and its implications for our understanding of the … ()
… that gets right to the heart of my attempt to follow the historical narrative of scripture through to our own time. This is … that a consistently developed narrative-historical method throws up—and, I think, solves: I don’t mean any … ()
… illustrates the three horizons model. I think that the narrative-historical method obliges us to read the New Testament on the … ()
… appendix but the climax to the story of Israel as a historical community in the first century and an explanation … development in recent evangelical thought—the shift from narrative to history. In the spirit of Watling’s book and in … theologies. Over the last few decades a radically different method for constructing what it means to be Christian has … ()
… the last piece on Jesus as Alpha and Omega ) on how the narrative-historical approach potentially distorts crucial elements of … I’ve slightly edited deon’s text. …the application of this method appears to derive a narrative that, unless I am … ()